Specially curated short films from filmmakers ages 13-18, including animated, documentary, and narrative short films from all around the world.
Forever Chemical (USA, 10 MIN) Writer/Director: Cooper Burkett I was diagnosed with lead poisoning when I was 9 months old. The last two years, I have lobbied Albany with various organizations to encourage lawmakers to pass legislation to end this perfectly preventable disease. This is my story.
Crime Never Gets Old (Canada, 5 MIN) Writer/Director: William Manning Detective Wendell Kent solves mysteries by putting the pieces together.
The Iron Mountain (China, 8 MIN) Writer/Director: Yishan Yang Cast: Ding Xniglan, Xu Wei, Song Chunxu, Biao Shichu It is the year 2035. Xu Fang finds herself alongside her husband, Yang Shu, in the embrace of the mountains. A sudden collapse forces Xu Fang to ask - Where does the human end, the machine begin? The forest holds its breath, waiting, as Fang stands at the precipice of truth and illusion, her story unfolding beneath the stoic gaze of the Iron Mountain.
Practical Rabbit Hunting Strategies for the Modern Man (USA, 11 MIN) Writer/Director: Rishan Sathiyaa Cast: Arya Gothoskar, Jake Uniyal, Sprite Kung A boy hunts a rabbit on his 18th birthday in an attempt to understand what it means to grow up.
My Dark Angels (USA, 4 MIN) Writer/Director: Azza Brummer Cast: Lauren Zavala, Trae Ireland A teenage girl with paranormal visions confronts a mental health professional with a deadly turn. Reality Check (USA, 6 MIN) Writer/Director: Isla McKenna Cast: Monet Lerner, Matt Shaw After appearing in a trashy reality dating show, Kim is shocked that she was edited into being the villain of the series. However, as her instant viral buzz begins to die down, Kim begins to question whether or not she really is that disappointed.
Bras (USA, 7 MIN) Writer/Director: Julia Havemann In 2007, three 7th grade girls go to Victoria's Secret to buy their first bras, convinced that this symbol of womanhood will also grant them their first periods.
like a stone or flower (USA, 10 MIN) Writer/Director: Kaiya Ming Jordan Cast: Agelio Batle, Tamara Chu, Mika Jordan Three artists of different generations reflect on the ability of art to transcend rationality and logic.
Dreaming of Winter (USA, 3 MIN) Writer: Ella Carayanis Director: Ella Standley, Lucy Katz, Ella Grace Carayanis A Bear who has always wanted to see winter comes up with a plan to stay up through hibernation.
Beautiful (USA, 7 MIN) Writer/Director: Jonah Sachs Cast: Vanessa Masterson, Ariella White A girl has trouble revealing her true feelings to her best friend.